Thingyan, also known as Myanmar New Year, is one of the most promising times of the year. When MVA launched the new campaign to reposition Canal+, the brand began to witness very effective results and an increase in subscriptions. Thingyan was a prominent time for Canal+ to continue communicating the campaign message — “anytime, anywhere, Canal+ is there for you”.
MVA focused on the theme of a family reunion during Thingyan and recreated the holiday at a suburban Yangon home. The storyline revolves around a family spending quality time together by watching Canal+ and celebrating Thingyan festivities. To create a culturally authentic environment, MVA filled the location with Thingyan related props — water guns, Padauk flowers and a very Thingyan specific wardrobe. Pairing with the Canal+ TVC, MVA developed Thingyan promotion key visuals that were displayed throughout Yangon.
The Thingyan Promo, originally set to end mid-April, became one of the best selling promos for Canal+ and was even extended through the end of the month!