It was just a few short years ago that Myanmar’s prospects for economic growth were extremely dim. Crippling international sanctions against the military government had pushed the country into an unhealthy…
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Tea makes Myanmar tick, and it’s been that way for a long, long time. The country has a culture of tea drinking that is very much its own, and has been…
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There is a lot of rhetoric flying around about ASEAN 2015, and most of it involves some variation on how the bloc’s ten countries are not ready for an open economic…
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The World Giving Index is an annual report that aims to “…provide insight into the scope and nature of giving around the world.” The paper uses data from the market research…
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The ten countries that make up the ASEAN region have a combined population of some 620 million people – more than North America or the European Union. With this in mind,…
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The name Thailand conjures many images for travelers, including golden temples, stunning tropical islands, and incredible cuisine. For luxury tourists, one of the first things that springs to mind will probably…
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Until quite recently, trying to get a steady and reliable internet connection in Myanmar was all but impossible. Although the world wide web has been at least theoretically accessible from the…
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Wealthy travelers have always sought out luxury, comfort, culture, and adventure, and that certainly will not stop anytime soon. But preferences for how they want to experience these things are changing,…
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It should surprise nobody who’s been paying attention to Myanmar that the country’s art scene is, like seemingly everything else, booming. The country is undergoing dramatic changes in politics, economy, culture,…
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