MultiVerse Asia recently moved into spacious new premises on Kon Zay Tan Street in downtown Yangon. The company has invested heavily in revamping the offices to create an environment in which advertising and marketing professionals have the room to dream big.
For example, the desks are all custom built to enable the team to work on their computers in the most ergonomic fashion. Likewise, the chairs are of the very highest quality so that people get maximum support while they toil away building brands.
Moreover, the building is blessed with beautiful views. Shwe Dagon Pagoda and the Yangon River can be seen from the exclusive smoker’s balcony. The rear of the premises allows majestic views of Sule Pagoda.
The centerpiece of the new MultiVerse Asia HQ is a seating area surrounded by chalkboard walls. Perfect for informal meetings and brainstorming sessions, it boasts a large screen TV. Staff members are actively encouraged to write their thoughts and observations on the special chalk board walls so that everyone can share in their revelations.
With a large and well-equipped kitchen as well as a display area to showcase the company’s work, MultiVerse Asia has lovingly crafted an atmosphere where all members of the team can work in comfort towards the goal of building Yangon’s biggest and best branding company.