As the world battles with a health pandemic that has seen a temporary pause to everything – from in-person entertainment to shops, schools and everything in-between – adapting a creative approach to advertising and digital marketing is key to remaining relevant to consumers and engaging with the market.
At MultiVerse Advertising, our team of creatives have had to approach digital marketing in new and innovative ways to stay one step ahead of the “new normal” and its limitations. As experts in advertising in Southeast Asia, we have been able to segway our creative approach around lockdowns and messaging rules around the pandemic while staying on-brand and resonating with the region’s various markets without sacrificing brand messaging or artistic flair in the process.
Live-Action Animation
Using animation is a great way to overcome the limitations and restrictions that currently surround live-action shoots. Working with Pizza Hut Myanmar, MultiVerse Advertising added a new animated element to their latest digital marketing campaign, helping to pivot their brand away from the typical promotion-centric food advertising.
Focusing more on brand positioning and the target markets most engaged with the brand, we created a series of live-action animated social videos that highlight the excitement of enjoying pizza together – be it with friends, family and everyone in between.
The first in the series features the ‘Foodie Squad’, connecting with those who love pizza the most and reminding them that whether you’re eating at home or at the restaurant (depending on the current restrictions), when it comes to pizza, Pizza Hut is always there to fulfil that pizza craving.
You can watch our animated live-action advertising promo by clicking here and visiting our Facebook page.
Stay Engaged
In these times, it is more important than ever to remain relevant and engaged with your audience. Putting all new advertising on hold or making do with simple Facebook posts can work as a stop-gap. But one year on and with no definitive end in sight, brands need to stay engaged if they’re to survive the pandemic.
Brands that communicate regularly with their audiences and engage in new creative approaches to their advertising are seeing significant increases in brand recognition. Consumers will remember the brands that were there with them through the pandemic and will remain loyal long after life returns to normal.
In Southeast Asia and across most of the world, traditional celebrations and cultural activities have been stifled due to lockdown restrictions. For many, this has been understandingly devastating. However, it does create a unique opportunity to discuss the true meaning of these festivals and focus on what it means as a culture, society or community to uphold these traditions, even if it’s not in person.
In Myanmar, the Thadingyut holiday was a little different in 2020. A tradition focused around paying respects to elders, a conflict of interest emerged – do you visit your elders to pay them respect in the traditional way, or do you stay away to avoid the risk of passing the infection and putting their lives at risk?
One of our partners understood this dilemma and engaged MultiVerse Advertising to help create a greeting video that resonated with their target audience without putting anyone at risk.
By using clever creative strategies, we were able to create a live-action replacement using animation and motion-capture to develop visual media that spoke to the audience in a real and genuine way. Focusing on the tradition and the hope that life soon returns to normal, we were able to position this otherwise disheartening circumstance into a message of hope and importance.
These are just two examples of how MultiVerse Advertising has navigated the creative minefield to produce content for brands determined to stay relevant and engaged with their target audiences.
By adapting the creative approach around the restrictions of COVID-19, brands can find new and innovative ways to communicate their message and build rapport with their consumers. MultiVerse Advertising has the tools and the talent to help adapt any scenario with the creativity it deserves. As we explore endless possibilities, no option is out of reach – it’s just the approach that defines its success.